

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The Pallavas themselves claimed to descend from Brahma and Ashvatthama.
  2. Historically, early relations between Nagas and Pallavas became well-established before the myth of Pallava's birth to Ashvatthama took root.
  3. A Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".
  4. Another version states that " Pallava " was born from the union of the Brahmin Ashvatthama with a Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".
  5. Another version states that " Pallava " was born from the union of the Brahmin Ashvatthama with a Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".


  1. "ashvamedha"の例文
  2. "ashvamedhika parva"の例文
  3. "ashvapala"の例文
  4. "ashvaraja"の例文
  5. "ashvattha"の例文
  6. "ashvatthaman"の例文
  7. "ashvayanas"の例文
  8. "ashve"の例文
  9. "ashvetia"の例文
  10. "ashville"の例文
  11. "ashvaraja"の例文
  12. "ashvattha"の例文
  13. "ashvatthaman"の例文
  14. "ashvayanas"の例文

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