もっと例文: 1 2
- The Pallavas themselves claimed to descend from Brahma and Ashvatthama.
- Historically, early relations between Nagas and Pallavas became well-established before the myth of Pallava's birth to Ashvatthama took root.
- A Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".
- Another version states that " Pallava " was born from the union of the Brahmin Ashvatthama with a Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".
- Another version states that " Pallava " was born from the union of the Brahmin Ashvatthama with a Naga Princess also supposedly supported in the sixth verse of the Bahur plates which states " From Ashvatthama was born the king named Pallava ".