

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. I do not agree that the ASHVE presidency contributes to notability.
  2. The recommendations of Billings and Flugge were incorporated into numerous building codes from 1900-1920s, and published as an industry standard by ASHVE ( the predecessor to ASHRAE ) in 1914.
  3. From this research base, ASHRAE ( having replaced ASHVE ) developed space by space recommendations, and published them as ASHRAE Standard 62-1975 : Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality.
  4. To resolve the issue of variations in testing methods and performance ratings, a joint committee of NAFM and the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers ( ASHVE ) was formed to develop a standard test code for fans.
  5. ASHVE began a robust research effort in 1919 . By 1935, ASHVE funded research conducted by Lemberg, Brandt, and Morse-again using human subjects in test chambers-suggested the primary component of " bad air " was odor, perceived by the human olfactory nerves.


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