

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Mikhail Ashvetia scored two with Sergei Ignashevich scoring a late penalty.
  2. Georgian international Mikhail Ashvetia will fill in.
  3. Ashvetia set up Georgia's third goal with one minute left in the first half.
  4. Shota Arveladze scored two and Mikahi Ashvetia added the other as Georgia beat Albania 3-0.
  5. Georgian international striker Ashvetia headed in his first goal five minutes later off a pass from Maxim Buznikin.


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  10. "ashville historic district"の例文
  11. "ashvayanas"の例文
  12. "ashve"の例文
  13. "ashville"の例文
  14. "ashville college"の例文

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