

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Like many lipiphilic toxins, PCBs biomagnify up the food chain.
  2. In some cases, metals, such as mercury, can biomagnify.
  3. Tissue concentrations of PAHs do not increase ( biomagnify ) from the lowest to highest levels of food chains.
  4. Bioaccumulation analysis should be conducted appropriately based on the contaminants of concern ( for example, metals do not biomagnify ).
  5. Also, DDT may biomagnify, which causes progressively higher concentrations in the body fat of animals farther up the food chain.


  1. "biomagnetic"の例文
  2. "biomagnetics"の例文
  3. "biomagnetism"の例文
  4. "biomagnification"の例文
  5. "biomagnifies"の例文
  6. "biomagnifying"の例文
  7. "biomalpar"の例文
  8. "bioman"の例文
  9. "biomanipulation"の例文
  10. "biomantle"の例文
  11. "biomagnification"の例文
  12. "biomagnifies"の例文
  13. "biomagnifying"の例文
  14. "biomalpar"の例文

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