

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. A sloop carries only one head sail, called either the foresail or jib ..
  2. Triangular staysails set forward of the foremost mast are called jibs, headsails, or foresails.
  3. Three foresails were fitted to the stays to the jibboom making 14 sails all in all.
  4. Her complement of sails includes a mainsail, maintopsail, foresail, staysail, and jib.
  5. On cue, the mainsail and foresail whip across the schooner, from port side to starboard.


  1. "forerunners of zionism"の例文
  2. "forerunning"の例文
  3. "fores"の例文
  4. "foresaid"の例文
  5. "foresail"の例文
  6. "foresaken"の例文
  7. "foresaw"の例文
  8. "foresaying"の例文
  9. "forescout网络准入控制系统"の例文
  10. "forescu"の例文
  11. "foresaid"の例文
  12. "foresail"の例文
  13. "foresaken"の例文
  14. "foresaw"の例文

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