

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. This instant promotion only adds to the resentments of Theander and Crates.
  2. Theander decides to vent his malice by raping Merione.
  3. They demand Euphanes in exchange for Theander.
  4. He's merely along to have his rehab regimen monitored by conditioning coach Stieg Theander.
  5. Theander and Eurithea, the title characters, originally feel only courtly, intellectual love for each other.


  1. "theamerican"の例文
  2. "theamount"の例文
  3. "thean"の例文
  4. "thean hou"の例文
  5. "thean hou temple"の例文
  6. "theandric"の例文
  7. "theanine"の例文
  8. "theano"の例文
  9. "theano didot"の例文
  10. "theanthropic"の例文
  11. "thean hou"の例文
  12. "thean hou temple"の例文
  13. "theandric"の例文
  14. "theanine"の例文

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