

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. The first work on the golden mean is sometimes attributed to Theano, wife of Pythagoras.
  2. He married Theano Poulikakos ( ).
  3. Theano is an open source project primarily developed by a machine learning group at the Universit?de Montr閍l.
  4. Hippoclameia tries to convince the Trojan women to fight, but Theano convinces them it is a suicidal idea.
  5. "' Theano Didot "'is a Didone or modern serif genre of the early nineteenth century.


  1. "thean hou"の例文
  2. "thean hou temple"の例文
  3. "theander"の例文
  4. "theandric"の例文
  5. "theanine"の例文
  6. "theano didot"の例文
  7. "theanthropic"の例文
  8. "thear"の例文
  9. "thearc"の例文
  10. "thearch"の例文
  11. "theandric"の例文
  12. "theanine"の例文
  13. "theano didot"の例文
  14. "theanthropic"の例文

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