

  1. Following the surrender of Edward Schafersometimes translate it as " thearch " and the First Emperor as the First Thearch.
  2. Following the surrender of Edward Schafersometimes translate it as " thearch " and the First Emperor as the First Thearch.
  3. Others reserve the use of " thearch " to describe the legendary figures of Chinese prehistory while continuing to use " emperor " to describe historical rulers.


  1. "theano"の例文
  2. "theano didot"の例文
  3. "theanthropic"の例文
  4. "thear"の例文
  5. "thearc"の例文
  6. "thearchy"の例文
  7. "theard"の例文
  8. "theare"の例文
  9. "theares"の例文
  10. "theargus"の例文
  11. "thear"の例文
  12. "thearc"の例文
  13. "thearchy"の例文
  14. "theard"の例文

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