

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. It was introduced by the company of'Van Tubergen'from Haarlem, the Netherlands.
  2. The story of the single misplaced bulb supplied by J . J . " Manissaadjian " to Van Tubergen therefore seems spurious.
  3. This was carried out by a Dutch bulb firm'Van Tubergen'( based in Haarlem ) in the 19th century.
  4. It gained an FCC ('First Class Certificate', awarded by the RHS, ) in 1891 when shown by Van Tubergen ( bulb nursery ) . and is a tentatively accepted name by the RHS.
  5. The iris was discovered in Southern Turkestan in 1913 by Paul Graeber, ( a collector for the van Tubergen nursery, later honored with " Iris graeberiana " ) and then the rhizomes were sent to the nursery.


  1. "tuberculum majus"の例文
  2. "tuberculum minus"の例文
  3. "tuberculum olfactorium"の例文
  4. "tuberculum pubicum"の例文
  5. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  6. "tuberhybrida"の例文
  7. "tuberin"の例文
  8. "tuberization"の例文
  9. "tuberlike"の例文
  10. "tubermycin"の例文
  11. "tuberculum pubicum"の例文
  12. "tuberculum sellae"の例文
  13. "tuberhybrida"の例文
  14. "tuberin"の例文

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