- Brewer became the Director of Base Hospital 2 in Etretat.
- He is buried in the Etretat Churchyard Extension in 蓆retat, France.
- The sessions took place in Rouen, NYC, Etretat, London & Portland ( Oregon ).
- It's too striking, as at Etretat; too historic, as at Omaha and Sword Beaches.
- One looks like the wings of Nike of Samothrace; another, like the rocky cliffs at Etretat, France.
- From 11 March 2014, the Norman Voyager was chartered to Brittany Ferries, renamed " Etretat " and branded for their 閏onomie service.
- The history of 19th-century art in France is dotted with stories of painters who thrived in small towns near the sea-- Seurat at Gravelines, Monet at Etretat.
- He returned frequently to the theme of the open window in Paris and especially during the years in Nice and Etretat, and in his final years, particularly during the late 1940s.
- Four years later, on the Normandy coast west of Etretat, Monet nearly drowned when he miscalculated the time of the incoming tide and was thrown against a cliff by a large wave.
- There is a Gray Coach to Etretat and F閏amp and there is VTNI for destinations in the Seine valley and Rouen who provide inter-urban services on behalf of the Department of Seine-Maritime.
- There are also 19th and 20th Century International paintings by Armand Guillaumin, Carl Sohn, Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet ( " Rainy Day, Etretat " ), Paul C閦anne, and Pablo Picasso.
- The painting, " Etretat, le Cap d'Antiser, " once belonged to the philanthropist Alice Tully and sold for $ 68, 000 in a 1994 auction at Christie's.
- That Monet had in mind making a few francs when he went to paint Pourville and Etretat and Varengeville doesn't negate the intense and ineffable feeling he conveys in the best of his pictures of those towns.
- In 2008, Beno顃 Duteurtre publishes " Les pieds dans l'eau " ( Feet in the water ), a highly autobiographical book in which he describes his youth spent between Le Havre and Etretat.
- For instance, " Capri ", painted in 1890, was probably inspired by Monet磗 paintings of the cliffs at Varengeville, Pourville, and Etretat and the rocks at Bell-Ile of the early 1880s.
- "Etretat " has been fitted with 13 pet-friendly cabins, in addition to 88 standard 4-berth inside and outside cabins, and 51 reserved lounge seats ( to Le Havre ) or 20 ( to Santander ).
- On weekdays the " Norman Voyager ", which has been renamed " MV Etretat ", sails on Portsmouth Le Havre, a route that was successful last year when Brittany Ferries introduced the catamaran " HSC Normandie Express ".
- On 30 January 2015, Brittany Ferries announced that it would charter the DFDS Seaways vessel " MS Sirena Seaways " from the beginning of April 2015 and start service with Brittany Ferries in May 2015, to operate on their successful Portsmouth Le Havre route, alongside the MV " Etretat ".
- My brother and I were tearing through the Norman countryside in a rental car, bound for the coast : for Mont-Saint-Michel, for Bayeux and the tapestry, for the tragic beaches and Rommel's still, grim emplacements above them, for the stately strand at Deauville, for the picturesque harbor at Honfleur, for Etretat.
- His work of the 1860s and 1870s often tended toward the panoramic and picturesque, topped by cloud-laden and threatening skies, and included views of his native country ( " Autumn Oaks ", 1878, Metropolitan Museum of Art; " Catskill Mountains ", 1870, Art Institute of Chicago ), as well as scenes inspired by numerous travels overseas, especially to Italy and France ( " The Monk ", 1873, Addison Gallery of American Art; " Etretat ", 1875, Wadsworth Atheneum ).