- _eTrex Summit Hiking Companion ( Garmin _ $ 249)
- Upper bought his Garmin eTrex GPS receiver for about $ 100 at Amazon . com.
- Pick up the eTrex ( $ 109; www . garmingps . com ) by Garmin.
- McNeany has a low-end Garmin eTrex model GPS receiver ( about $ 110 ).
- This week : Garmin's eTrex Personal Navigator . ( Austin American-Statesman ) MOVED.
- We're betting eTrex will be the electronic gadget every hip outdoorsperson will have in the new year.
- May 13, 2015 Garmin released the eTrex 20x and 30x, which succeeded the eTrex 20 and 30.
- May 13, 2015 Garmin released the eTrex 20x and 30x, which succeeded the eTrex 20 and 30.
- The eTrex Legend can also reveal your average travel speed and even an estimated time of arrival to any pre-selected waypoint.
- Speaking of GPS, Garmin showed one of the most elaborate devices, a $ 249 handheld combination GPS, altimeter, barometer and electronic compass called eTrex Summit.
- Also available is the eTrex Legend ( $ 249 ), which features built in coastline, road and highway detail, with 8 Megabytes of internal memory for downloading maps.
- Quite possibly the coolest gadget on the planet, Garmin's eTrex Legend ( garmin . com; $ 250 ) is the perfect blend of high technology and user-friendly functionality.
- Clinton's action meant that literally overnight, consumer-grade GPS devices, like the $ 267 Garmin eTrex Summit used by Rohner, increased in accuracy tenfold, becoming precise down to a range of 20-30 feet.
- The Summit's LCD display provides easy-to-read bearing information, compass, maps and a computer-generated fellow that can help walk you out of any woods . eTrex's altimeter determines precise altitude, while its Global Positioning System ensures accurate navigation.
- I also tested two basic entry-level models, the Garmin eTrex ( $ 145 ) and the Magellan GPS 310 ( $ 120 ); after using the higher-end devices, however, I was skeptical of trusting either of the less expensive models in the outdoors.
- Small GPS receivers such as the hand-held Garmin eTrex series ( $ 110 to $ 250 ) or wristwatch-based Forerunner series ( $ 80 to $ 120 ) will record positions in a track log, updated at frequent intervals for up to several hours or more depending on the model.
- Measured altitude and Geo location of the peak by their Garmin eTrex 20 was 1021.69 meter and 21?0 23.783 N & 92?6 16.013 E . Two of the team members, Mugdho and Sujon died in a tragic bus accident on their way back to Bandarban after the expedition.
- In May 2011, Garmin " refreshed " the eTrex product lineup with improved mechanical design and support for the latest advances in cartography and hardware technology; with its release of the eTrex 10, eTrex 20, and eTrex 30, Garmin became the first company to manufacture and distribute a worldwide consumer navigation product supporting both GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations.
- In May 2011, Garmin " refreshed " the eTrex product lineup with improved mechanical design and support for the latest advances in cartography and hardware technology; with its release of the eTrex 10, eTrex 20, and eTrex 30, Garmin became the first company to manufacture and distribute a worldwide consumer navigation product supporting both GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations.
- In May 2011, Garmin " refreshed " the eTrex product lineup with improved mechanical design and support for the latest advances in cartography and hardware technology; with its release of the eTrex 10, eTrex 20, and eTrex 30, Garmin became the first company to manufacture and distribute a worldwide consumer navigation product supporting both GPS and GLONASS satellite constellations.