- Broackes was knighted in 1984 for his work redeveloping the Docklands.
- Watertown officials then began to plan for redeveloping the remaining acreage.
- One of the goals for reducing sprawl include redeveloping urban areas.
- It is one of the best examples of redeveloping downtown Augusta.
- In July 2009, Lifetime announced it was redeveloping the pilot.
- In the 2000s, interest in redeveloping the building was sparked.
- The council was committed to redeveloping the site in two stages.
- GMA is redeveloping the Mount Lyell copper mine in Tasmania.
- But the Churchill Downs Corp . is slowly redeveloping the surrounding properties.
- Vornado is known for buying defunct retailers and redeveloping their real estate.
- Authorities are now redeveloping the area, but its social problems remain.
- Tom Waits also had a hand in redeveloping the spot.
- A focal point of his administration was redeveloping brownfield and superfund sites.
- Federal funds were approved for redeveloping LaSalle Park in 1971.
- Blanca proves fascinating to Lenin and the two begin redeveloping a connection.
- Various plans have been made for redeveloping the power-plant property.
- The cost of reclaiming and redeveloping the land was around ?7 million.
- Several Select Committees examined proposals for redeveloping parts of London.
- Winter Properties is redeveloping the former Muse's clothing store into apartments.
- Mendik has been investing in and redeveloping Manhattan office properties since the 1970s.