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  • but redevelopment , that'll be a good thing .
    ありゃ 残念だね。 でも 再開発なんていい話だね。
  • old things are in trouble because of redevelopment .
    え? 再開発で古いものは大変なのです。
  • it's probably because this area is under redevelopment .
  • huh , i hear a lot going on in redevelopment .
  • after major redevelopment that is coming
    この先10年に渡り 主な再開発が
  • will probably extend through a redevelopment of the mall .
    恐らくモールの再開発地区まで 伸びるものと思います
  • this is a redevelopment area , after all .
  • really dramatic redevelopment projects
  • at the time , the area was involved in the process of urban redevelopment .
  • the next strategy: redevelopment .
    次の戦略 再開発です
  • what does redevelopment mean ?
  • strange to see kubota's work always lining up with these redevelopment projects .
    窪田たちが 再開発を 進めてる場所と 妙に符合する。
  • machida . edogawa . itabashi . all these places are undergoing redevelopment plans .
    町田 江戸川 板橋 事件が起きてる場所に再開発計画。
  • prior to redevelopment , there was a keihan bus stop between the keihan line and the jr line .
  • they work one city at a time , acquiring a local construction concern just ahead of major civic redevelopment .
    各地で大開発が始まる直前に 地域の会社を買収してー
  • june 17 , 1995: the station was moved to the present site , corresponding to the redevelopment of the area in front of the station .
    1995年(平成7年)6月17日 駅前再開発により現在地へ新築移転。
  • avanti , a commercial building constructed along with the redevelopment of the area , and hotel keihan kyoto , are now located there .
    跡地は再開発ビル「アバンティ (商業ビル)」、ホテル京阪京都となっている。
  • with redevelopment around fukuchiyama advancing in this way , it is certain that the fukuchiyama family will develop more and more .
  • however , when the bubble economy collapsed the company suffered a huge loss due to the failure of redevelopment projects in areas such as chayamachi .
  • with the opening of the subway , a building housing a department store (daimaru ) was built in front of yamashina station for a redevelopment project .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3