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adorn 意味




  • your beauty should adorn decorate odin's table .
    お前の美しさがオーディンの 卓を飾るだろう
  • adorn yourselves with the attributes of god .
  • adorn shumidan (an altar made of fine timber , generally with paneling , hame ) in the main hall .
  • bronze orcas adorn the large roof of the top floor as well as the massive irimoya-roof of the second floor .
  • in emperor takakura ' s january 1171 ceremony to attain manhood , munemori played a role in helping him adorn himself with shozoku .
  • or that your aunt's necklace , the same one she wears in the klimt portrait , came to adorn the neck of emmy goering
    叔母さんのネックレスは クリムトの肖像画に 映っているのと同じ物 ナチス幹部 ヘルマン・ゲーリングの
  • byodo-in temple ' s ho-o-do hall is displayed on the japanese 10 yen coin and bank of japan notes feature the chinese phoenix statues that adorn the roof of ho-o-do hall .
  • according to engishiki (an ancient book on the codes and procedures on national rites and prayers ), the imperial court used to adorn each gate of daidairi (the outer palace precincts ) with dolls of colored soil in the shape of an ox and child on this setsubun day .
  • a total of 120 sliding screen and paper wall paintings , all dedicated important cultural properties , done by artists of the kano school adorn the rooms of the ohojo which includes the willow room , musk room , lunch room , flower and bird room (west room ), crane room and narutaki room .
  • 47 paintings: 23 of these adorn the long , narrow , horizontal wall above the upper non-penetrating tie beams of the inner sanctum (10 sky paintings , 5 paintings of instruments and buddhist alter fittings , 8 paintings of amitabha ) and the other 24 are painted on the wall above this and depict hoso gemon )
    壁画47面 - 内陣長押上の小壁に描かれた23面(飛天図10面、楽器・仏具図5面、阿弥陀如来像8面)と、その上部の壁に描かれた宝相華文(ほうそうげもん)24面からなる。
  • もっと例文:  1  2


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