i could embellish it . that'd be a lie . 装飾もできるけど 嘘になる
a small person making a mistake will always embellish it , which means when a person of small character makes a mistake he won ' t try to change it for the better , but instead , he will try to cover it up and embellish it . 小人の過つやかならず文(かざ)る…小人物は過ちを犯してもそれを改めようとはしないで、つくろい飾ろうとする。
a small person making a mistake will always embellish it , which means when a person of small character makes a mistake he won ' t try to change it for the better , but instead , he will try to cover it up and embellish it . 小人の過つやかならず文(かざ)る…小人物は過ちを犯してもそれを改めようとはしないで、つくろい飾ろうとする。
nijo is a person with higher income and good deeds from the living things , and there is a description that a wealthy bosatsu worshiped buddha with followers , so that various kinds of people served to embellish hokke-kyo majestically around buddha . 二乗は衆生から供養を受ける生活に余裕のある立場であり、また裕福な菩薩が諸々の眷属を連れて仏の前の参詣する様子も経典に説かれており、説法を受けるそれぞれの立場が、仏を中心とした法華経そのものを荘厳に飾り立てる役割を担っている。
make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day" Synonyms: decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, beautify,