comment 意味
発音記号:[ 'kɔment ] 読み方
動詞 過去形: commented 動詞 過去分詞: commented 名詞 複数形: comments 動詞 現在分詞: commenting
- 1comment n. 意見を述べること, 発言; 見解; 評論, 批評; 注釈; (世間の)うわさ話, 取りざた.【動詞+】
- The Prime Minister's association with this lady is beginning to arouse comment.
- The issue has created a good deal of comment in the Washington press.
- The inadequacy of the bill is so obvious that it hardly deserves comment.
この法案が不備であるのはきわめて明白であって, とやかく論評するまでもない
- What do you think of my son's progress? Please give me a frank comment.
息子の進み具合をどうお考えですか, 率直におっしゃってください
- She offered the comment that the plan should be developed further before a decision was made.
【+動詞】【形容詞 名詞+】- The statement elicited a ripple of appreciative comment from the other members of the committee.
- That the bill excludes non-residents has been a matter of general comment.
- This is strictly an off-the-record comment, but, to be frank, I think the government is at fault.
これはまったくオフレコの発言だが, 率直に言って私は政府が間違っていると思うよ
- After a few wry comments on the fickleness of the public, she let the matter pass.
世間の移り気について皮肉っぽいことをちょっと言ったあと, その件は不問に付した.
【前置詞+】- He returned my manuscript with the comment that he thought it needed tightening up in a few places.
【+前置詞】【+that節】- Your comment that the book was worth reading persuaded me to buy it.
2comment v. 意見を述べる; 批評する.【副詞1】- He caustically commented that very few people can write a proper English sentence.
- As you rightly commented, she played a crucial role in the negotiations.
- She commented tartly that he never seemed happy except when he was condemning someone.
【+前置詞】【+that節】- He commented that it was likely she would be proved right.
- The Prime Minister's association with this lady is beginning to arouse comment.
- a comment a comment 評言 ひょうげん
- comment on ~についてコメント[解説{かいせつ}?講評{こうひょう}?注釈{ちゅうしゃく}]する I can't comment on that right now because I don't know. その件については今はコメントできません。知らないことですから。 I can't comment on that right now. I am not going to confirm or den
- no comment no comment ノーコメント
- to comment to comment 評する ひょうする
- abusive comment 口汚い{くちぎたない}コメント
- acid comment 辛らつな批評{ひひょう}
- additional comment 追加{ついか}コメント
- anonymous comment 匿名{とくめい}の意見{いけん}
- appropriate comment 適切{てきせつ}な解説{かいせつ}
- approval comment 承認{しょうにん}コメント
- audible comment 聞き取れる発言{はつげん}
- available for comment 《be ~》コメントに応じる
- biting comment 辛らつな批評{ひひょう}
- block comment ブロック注釈{ちゅうしゃく}
- brilliant comment 鋭いコメント
- to comment on sensitive political issues . right ?
イデオロギー的な大量の投稿をさせます - chancellor , if i may comment , i do not believe
元老院議長 お言葉ですが今回の事件は・・・ - what's your comment on the war crimes allegation ?
戦争犯罪の申し立てに 対して 一言を - a joke implies humor , which was missing from your comment .
面白くないジョークね - if you apologize for that comment , perhaps i'll ...
今の発言について謝罪するなら― - mr . queen was not available for comment .
ミスター・クイーンの コメントを得る事はできませんでした - and these , i'll just show these without comment .
コメントなしで いくつかお見せしましょう - it's a comment on the way in which we deal with
これがニューヨーク市内の ベンチに対する - will you never comment on my hair , is that how we're doing ?
- Noun
- a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material; "he wrote an extended comment on the proposal"
Synonyms: commentary, - a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information; "from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account"
Synonyms: remark, input, - a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people; "the divorce caused much gossip"
Synonyms: gossip, scuttlebutt, Verb - provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases; "He annotated on what his teacher had written"
Synonyms: gloss, annotate, - explain or interpret something
- make or write a comment on; "he commented the paper of his colleague"
Synonyms: notice, remark, point out,