dialect 意味
dialect n. 方言; 語風; 通語.
【形容詞 名詞+】
a dialect of the Siouan language スー族語の方言の 1 つ.
that's the first time i've heard you speak that dialect . 理香の方言初めて聞いた will you stop talking in that weird osaka dialect ? 気色悪い大阪弁は やめてくれへんか? the voice changed ! and to the kansai dialect too ! 声が かわった。 それに 関西弁? your dialect is very beautiful . 先生っぽく シックに決めてみたんだけど。 どのへんがシックに... 。 huckleberry finn has one in dialect . 『ハックルベリー・フィン』では なまりのきつい 朝4時が登場します say something in hiroshima dialect . it's an order . ねえ 広島弁で しゃべってみて 命令よ i had even started to talk in local dialect . いつの間にか 方言でしゃべるようんなって➡ or rather ... does anyone understand tochigi dialect ? ていうか... 誰か栃木弁知らない? it's a word in an african dialect meaning thief . タトゥーだ こっちは烙印のようだ i was treated kindly ... [t she's speaking in aomori dialect .] 親切にしてもらって
Noun the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy" Synonyms: idiom , accent ,