digress 意味
- digress v. 本筋から離れる, 脱線する.【副詞1】
- In this collection of rather breezy essays, he tends constantly to digress from his subject.
- I thought he had digressed irrelevantly but in the end he neatly tied his remarks into his topic.
【+前置詞】- digress into an unrelated topic
- In this collection of rather breezy essays, he tends constantly to digress from his subject.
- digress from ~から(脇へ)それる
- digress from one's text 論題からそれる
- digress from the main point 本論{ほんろん}から外れる
- digress from the main topic 話が本筋{ほんすじ}からそれる
- digress from the subject (話が)脇道へそれる、枝葉にわたる
- digress from one's main subject 本筋を外れる
- digress from one topic to other topics 一つの話題{わだい}から他の話題{わだい}にそれる[脱線{だっせん}する]
- digraph {名} : 連字{れんじ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】da'igraef、【分節】di?graph
- digram {名} : 2文字組、隣り合う2文字{もじ}の組
- digoxininduced {形} :
- digoxin-treated mice ジゴキシン投与{とうよ}マウス
- digoxin-induced {形} : ジゴキシン誘導{ゆうどう}[誘発{ゆうはつ}?誘起{ゆうき}?起因{きいん}](性)の、ジゴキシンに(よって)誘導{ゆうどう}[誘発{ゆうはつ}?誘起{ゆうき}?引き起こ]される
- but i digress . where was i ? yes .
話がそれたな 続けよう ビジネスが上手くいった - but in that , i do digress .
でも その話は止めよう
- Verb
- lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don''t digress when you give a lecture"
Synonyms: stray, divagate, wander, - wander from a direct or straight course
Synonyms: sidetrack, depart, straggle,