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stray 意味

発音記号:[ strei ]  読み方
動詞 過去形: strayed   動詞 過去分詞: strayed   名詞 複数形: strays   動詞 現在分詞: straying   


  • to stray    to stray 踏み違える ふみちがえる
  • stray animal    迷子{まいご}の動物{どうぶつ}
  • stray arcing    stray arcing アークストライク[その他]〈99Z3001:溶接用語〉
  • stray around    ~をさまよう[迷い歩く]
  • stray arrow    stray arrow 流れ矢 ながれや 逸れ矢 それや
  • stray away    はぐれる、踏み外す、道に迷う
  • stray bird    群れにはぐれた鳥
  • stray bullet    stray bullet 流弾 りゅうだん 逸れ弾 それだま 逸れ玉 それだま 流れ弾 ながれだま
  • stray capacitance    浮遊容量{ふゆう ようりょう}
  • stray capacity    漂遊容量{ひょうゆう ようりょう}
  • stray cat    stray cat 野良猫 のらねこ 野猫 のねこ
  • stray child    迷子{まいご}
  • stray current    ストレイ?カレント、迷走電流{めいそう でんりゅう}
  • stray customer    通り一遍の客
  • stray dog    stray dog 野良犬 のらいぬ 野犬 やけん 捨て犬 すていぬ


  • i can definitely smell the scent of a stray demon .
    間違いなく はぐれ悪魔のにおいです
  • this is the world of stray cats in kabukicho ...?
    これが かぶき町の 野良猫の世界...。
  • this is no worse than getting bitten by a stray dog .
  • never stray more than two horselengths from me .
    いいかエレン オレから二馬身以上遅れるなよ
  • maybe it got eaten up by a stray dog or something ?
  • it was a stray , it was filthy , and it was mean .
    それは迷子で不潔だった みすぼらしくて
  • stray cats ...usually end up dying on the streets .
    野良猫は 道ばたで死ぬもんなんだ
  • just feed them a stray fact here and a stray fact there .
  • just feed them a stray fact here and a stray fact there .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • not close together in time; "isolated instances of rebellion"; "a few stray crumbs"
    Synonyms: isolated,

  • (of an animal) having no home or having wandered away from home; "a stray calf"; "a stray dog"

  • Verb
  • lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking; "She always digresses when telling a story"; "her mind wanders"; "Don''t digress when you give a lecture"
    Synonyms: digress, divagate, wander,

  • move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
    Synonyms: roll, wander, swan, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond,

  • wander from a direct course or at random; "The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her"; "don''t drift from the set course"
    Synonyms: err, drift,

  • Noun
  • an animal that has strayed (especially a domestic animal)

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