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dull 意味

発音記号:[ dʌl ]  読み方


  • be dull    be dull 振るわない ふるわない
  • to be dull    to be dull くすむ
  • to dull    to dull 鈍らす にぶらす
  • as dull as dishwater    沈滞しきって、実につまらない、ひどく退屈な、ありふれていてとてもつまらない Programs on that channel are as dull as dishwater [ditchwater]. あのチャンネルってどの番組もひどく退屈だ。
  • as dull as ditchwater    沈滞しきって、実につまらない、ひどく退屈な、ありふれていてとてもつまらない Programs on that channel are as dull as dishwater [ditchwater]. あのチャンネルってどの番組もひどく退屈だ。
  • as dull as lead    鉛のような鈍い色の、非常{ひじょう}に間抜けな
  • be dull (blunt)    be dull (blunt) 切れが悪い きれがわるい
  • become dull    (鉛筆の先が)丸くなる、鈍化する、面白{おもしろ}くなくなる、勘が鈍くなる、焼きが回ってくる、沈滞する
  • becoming dull    becoming dull 鈍化 どんか
  • dull ache    鈍痛{どんつう}
  • dull affair    色気のない話
  • dull and uninteresting    dull and uninteresting 無味乾燥 むみかんそう
  • dull appearance    遅鈍状{ちどん じょう}の顔貌{がんぼう}
  • dull as dishwater    
  • dull as ditchwater    


  • somehow this is starting to get dull somehow .
    なんか どんどん ダサい方向 行ってんもんな。
  • things got dull , so i called my boyfriends .
    退屈だったから ボーイフレンドたちに電話したの。
  • that's right . at times of such dull moods ...
    そうですね こういう どんよりした気分の時は
  • thereafter the dull pain in the abdomen does not stop
    それ以降 腹部の鈍痛が止まない
  • therefore , only that dull tower was left .
    したがって 残されたのは あの くらやみの塔だけ。
  • the japanese darui is derived from the english dull .
  • the third year of this anime is getting kind of dull
    まさかなぁ 3年目の折り返しで➡
  • dusty , dull , very boring . ah , so that's the west wing .
  • dusty , dull , very boring . ah , so that's the west wing .
  • well ... it was like an led , but dull from refraction .
    あー... L. E.
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • emitting or reflecting very little light; "a dull glow"; "dull silver badly in need of a polish"; "a dull sky"

  • not having a sharp edge or point; "the knife was too dull to be of any use"

  • not keenly felt; "a dull throbbing"; "dull pain"

  • lacking in liveliness or animation; "he was so dull at parties"; "a dull political campaign"; "a large dull impassive man"; "dull days with nothing to do"; "how dull and dreary the world is"; "fell back into one of her dull moods"

  • Adjective
  • (of business) not active or brisk; "business is dull (or slow)"; "a sluggish market"
    Synonyms: slow, sluggish,

  • (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted; "dull greens and blues"

  • slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; "so dense he never understands anything I say to him"; "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"- Thackeray; "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow students"
    Synonyms: dense, dim, dumb, obtuse, slow,

  • darkened with overcast; "a dark day"; "a dull sky"; "the sky was leaden and thick"
    Synonyms: leaden,

  • so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldn''t capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark Twain; "other people''s dreams are dreadfully wearisome"
    Synonyms: boring, deadening, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome,

  • being or made softer or less loud or clear; "the dull boom of distant breaking waves"; "muffled drums"; "the muffled noises of the street"; "muted trumpets"
    Synonyms: muffled, muted, softened,

  • not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft; "the dull thud"; "thudding bullets"
    Synonyms: thudding,

  • blunted in responsiveness or sensibility; "a dull gaze"; "so exhausted she was dull to what went on about her"- Willa Cather

  • Verb
  • make less lively or vigorous; "Middle age dulled her appetite for travel"

  • become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness; "the varnished table top dulled with time"

  • become less interesting or attractive
    Synonyms: pall,

  • make dull in appearance; "Age had dulled the surface"

  • make dull or blunt; "Too much cutting dulls the knife''s edge"
    Synonyms: blunt,

  • make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
    Synonyms: numb, benumb, blunt,

  • deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
    Synonyms: muffle, mute, damp, dampen, tone down,

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