the most egregious of these to be cited herewith . これから述べるのは 最も重大なものだ
whether it's the egregious deforestation 東南アジアのサラワク州の
i need to talk to you about what i consider one of the most egregious offenders 使い捨てプラスチックでも最もタチが悪いものの
the ritualizationslashfetishization of eating is as egregious a waste of time as i can think of . パンと清潔な衣服があればいい 食事の儀式化とそれへの執着は 僕が思いつく中で
no need to retire to your fainting couch , sister ... because all of this is an egregious lie . ! あなたのソファーに引きこもる 必要はないですよ シスター 全部実に酷い嘘ですから
now , given grace's condition ... one would either have to , a ... judge arden as guilty of one of the most egregious misdiagnoses ... in the history of modern medicine ... or conclude that he's been up to something ... quite extraordinary in that laboratory of his . さてグレースの状態によれば 一つ言えることは 現代医療の歴史で
for actions that disgraced their court ranks or for a lack of loyalty towards the imperial household , members of the imperial family were given a reprimand by way of an imperial statement , and for egregious cases , there were possibilities of the suspension or deprivation of their imperial privileges , or even demotions to the status of a subject (article 52 of the former imperial house act and article 4 of the supplement to the imperial house act , february 11 , 1907 ). 皇族が品位を辱める行いをしたり、皇室に対して忠順を欠くときは勅旨を以って懲戒を受け、重い場合は皇族特権の停止、剥奪を受け、臣籍に降されることもあることになっていた(旧皇室典範52条・明治40年-1907年-2月11日皇室典範増補4条)。
conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery" Synonyms: crying, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank,