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wheat 意味

発音記号:[ wi:t, hw- ]  読み方



  • so people in kansas , in a wheat field in kansas
    だから カンザス州で小麦を栽培する人々も
  • as you think of coal , this is what burned wheat
  • gluten and wheat flour are the ingredients of anpei-fu .
  • the maize , the soy , the wheat , that humans could eat
  • it is made by kneading wheat flour , and boiling it .
  • tastee wheat . did you ever eat t astee wheat ?
    テイスティ・ウィート 食ったことある?
  • tastee wheat . did you ever eat t astee wheat ?
    テイスティ・ウィート 食ったことある?
  • i was turkey and wheat , and i had to remember that .
    私は七面鳥と小麦 忘れない
  • there is a wheat shortage . the pharaoh has hemorrhoids .
    小麦は不作 王様は痔を患ってる
  • allergy to wheat can produce a variety of symptoms .
    小麦アレルギーには いろんな症状があるわ
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5


  • a variable yellow tint; dull yellow, often diluted with white
    Synonyms: pale yellow, straw,

  • grains of common wheat; sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal; usually ground into flour
    Synonyms: wheat berry,

  • annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and light brown grains

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