- 1. Looking forward to hearing from you.
2. I am looking forward to your reply.
3. I will look forward to hearing from you (again).
- 返事 返事 へんじ reply answer
- 連絡 連絡 れんらく junction communication contact connection coordination
- 待ち 待ち まち waiting waiting time
- ちし ちし 知歯 智歯 wisdom tooth 致仕 resignation seventy years of age 致死 lethal fatal 地誌
- して して 仕手 protagonist hero leading part
- おり おり 檻 cage pen jail cell 折 chance suitable time 織り 織 weave weaving woven item
- ます ます 升 枡 桝 斗 measure unit of volume (1.8l) square container, e.g. a box 鱒 trout
- 幸い 幸い さいわい happiness blessedness
- です です polite copula in Japanese
- ご連絡 ご連絡 ごれんらく getting in touch
- お待ち お待ち おまち waiting waiting time
- ており ており 手織り 手織 handwoven handspun weaving by hand
- お待ちしております。 1. I'm looking forward to meeting you. 2. We'll be expecting [waiting for]
- 《末文》お返事をお待ちしております。 1. I look forward to hearing from you. 2. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
- できるだけ早くお返事を頂ければ幸いです I would appreciate an answer asap.