- Oh. I was full.
- なか なか 中 inside middle among 仲 relation relationship
- かい かい 傀 large 怪 mystery wonder 買い buying buyer purchase 介 shell shellfish being
- ぱい ぱい 牌 tile (mah-jongg)
- たん たん 反 roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.) .245 acres 300 tsubo 歎 grief sigh lamentation
- もん もん 問 problem question 門 gate 紋 (family) crest coat of arms
- だって だって but because even also too
- おなか おなか お腹 御腹 stomach
- なかい なかい 仲居 waitress
- いっぱ いっぱ 一派 a school a sect a party
- たんだ たんだ 単打 one-base hit 短打 (baseball) single
- いっぱい いっぱい 一杯 a cup of a drink full to the utmost up to (one's income) a lot of much
- だったん だったん 脱炭 decarbonize
- だってマイクが来なかったんだもん。 Because Mike didn't come.
- フルーツケーキをたくさん食べて、私たちはおなかがいっぱいだった We ate so much fruitcake that we were bursting at the seams.
- おなかいっぱい。 My tummy is full.