- stand head down
- うつ うつ 打つ to hit to strike 伐つ to strike to attack to punish 撃つ to attack to defeat
- つむ つむ 積む to pile up to stack 詰む to become fine 錘 spindle 摘む to pluck to pick to
- むい むい 無意 unintentional 無為 idleness inactivity 無位 lacking rank ordinary (citizen)
- いて いて 射手 archer shooter bowman
- 立ち 立ち たち stand
- ちつ ちつ 膣 腟 vagina
- つく つく 憑く to possess to haunt to attach to 就く to settle in (place) to take (seat,
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- つくす つくす 尽くす to exhaust to run out to devote to serve (a person) to befriend
- うつむいて with one's head down
- 立ちつくす stand motionless
- うつむいて with one's head down
- うなだれて立ちつくす stand with one's head down
- 立ちつくす stand motionless
- 景色にうっとりして立ちつくす stand admiring the view