- have kissed the Blarney
- 世辞 世辞 せじ flattery compliment
- 才能 才能 さいのう talent ability
- ある ある 或 或る a certain... some... 在る to live to be 有る to be to have
- る る 僂 bend over
- お世辞 お世辞 おせじ flattery compliment
- がある 【他動】 have ~がある 1. be home to 2. there is 3. you've got
- お世辞の 【形】 1. adulatory 2. flattering 3. flatteringly 4. honeyed 5. sugary
- お世辞の才能 gift of blarney [persuasive eloquence]
- お世辞の才能 gift of blarney [persuasive eloquence]
- 予言の才能がある have the gift of prophecy
- 化学の才能がある have a head for chemistry
- 園芸の才能がある 1. He has a golden touch with gardening. 2. have a green
- 天賦の才能がある 1. possess natural ability 2. possess natural endowments
- 実務の才能がある 1. have a head on (one's) shoulders 2. have a lot considerable business ability 3. have a lot of business ability 4. have a talent for business
- 弁舌の才能がある have facility in speaking