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  • 1. draw a nail
    2. draw out a nail
    3. get a nail out
    4. remove a nail
  • くぎ     くぎ 供犠 sacrifice sacrificial animal 句義 meaning of a phrase 釘 nail 区議 ward
  • 抜く     抜く ぬく to extract to omit to surpass to draw out to unplug
  •      く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
  • 抜く〔~からくぎを〕     【他動】 1. unnail 2. unpeg
  • 板からくぎを引き抜く    pull a nail out of a board
  • くぎをさす    くぎをさす 釘を差す to give a warning to remind (a person) of
  • くぎを打つ    drive (in) a nail
  • 刺す〔~にくぎを〕     【他動】 confirm
  • あくを抜く    remove harshness
  • とげを抜く    1. draw (out) a thorn 2. draw thorn 3. extract a splinter 4. pick a thorn out of 5. pull out a splinter
  • ド肝を抜く    ド肝を抜く どぎもをぬく ドぎもをぬく to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits to strike a person dumb to dumbfound to take (someone) aback
  • ネジを抜く     【他動】 unscrew〈卑〉
  • 刀を抜く    1. draw a sword 2. unsheathe a sword
  • 刺を抜く    刺を抜く とげをぬく to pull out a thorn
  • 剣を抜く    剣を抜く つるぎをぬく けんをぬく to draw a sword
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