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  • I know it's scary, but once you get into the swing of things, it's actually kind of fun.
  • かる     かる 狩る to hunt 駆る to drive (car) to spur on to impel 刈る to cut (hair) to mow
  • けど     けど but however
  • 一度     一度 いちど ひとたび once one time on one occasion
  • こつ     こつ 骨 knack skill
  • つか     つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
  • かん     かん 缶 can tin 巻 volume reel (of film) 寒 midwinter cold season coldest days of
  • でし     でし 弟子 pupil disciple adherent follower apprentice young person teacher's
  • しま     しま 島 island 縞 stripe
  • まえ     まえ 前 before in front fore part ago previously head (of a line) in the presence
  • ごく     ごく 語句 words phrases 極 quite very
  • しい     しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
  •      よ 余 over more than 世 代 world society age generation
  • こわい     こわい 恐い 怖い scary frightening eerie dreadful
  • 分かる     分かる わかる to be understood
  • まえば     まえば 前歯 front tooth
  • すごく     すごく [凄く] adv. *awful 《略式》ひどく, すごく《◆ very, very much の強意語》∥ I am awful
  • 楽しい     楽しい たのしい enjoyable fun
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