- すしのぐ
ingredients for sushi
- すし すし 寿司 鮓 鮨 sushi anything made with vinegared (su) rice
- ぐ ぐ 愚 foolish silly stupid 具 tool means ingredients counter for armor, suits,
- しのぐ しのぐ 凌ぐ to outdo to surpass to endure to keep out (rain) to stave off to tide
- しのぐ しのぐ 凌ぐ to outdo to surpass to endure to keep out (rain) to stave off to tide over to pull through to defy to slight to excel to eclipse
- しのぐ 1 get the better of しのぐ 2 【他動】 1. ace 2. better 3. cap 4. countermine 5. eclipse 6. exceed 7. excel 8. out-Herod〔残酷さ、残忍さ、暴虐さなどの点で〕 9. outact 10. outdo 11. outpace 12. outperform 13. outrace 14. out
- しのぐ〔人を〕 【他動】 best
- 力をしのぐ exceed someone's strength〔人の〕
- 雨をしのぐ keep out the rain
- すしの並み regular sushi
- 不況をしのぐ get through a recession
- 予想をしのぐ exceed someone's expectation〔人の〕
- 供給をしのぐ exceed supply
- 壮者をしのぐ 1. be as strong as a young man 2. be so vigorous that puts young men to shame
- 大きくしのぐ largely surpass〔~を〕
- 大幅にしのぐ largely surpass〔~を〕