雨をしのぐ の英語
ぐ ぐ 愚 foolish silly stupid 具 tool means ingredients counter for armor, suits,しのぐ しのぐ 凌ぐ to outdo to surpass to endure to keep out (rain) to stave off to tide木陰で雨をしのぐ shelter from the rain under a tree 力をしのぐ exceed someone's strength〔人の〕 不況をしのぐ get through a recession 予想をしのぐ exceed someone's expectation〔人の〕 供給をしのぐ exceed supply 壮者をしのぐ 1. be as strong as a young man 2. be so vigorous that puts young men to shame 寒さをしのぐ 1. keep off the cold 2. keep out the cold 急場をしのぐ 急場をしのぐ v. step into the breach ;fill [fix] the breach ;throw [fling] oneself into the breach 急場をしのぐ, 難局を乗り切る, (人を)危機から救う. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 急場) 暑さをしのぐ 1. beat the heat 2. stand the heat 期待をしのぐ exceed someone's expectation〔人の〕 現実をしのぐ outpace reality 糊口をしのぐ earn enough to keep body and soul together 退屈をしのぐ relieve the tedium
Just think of this as a way to avoid the rain . ただ雨をしのぐ ためだと考えて下さい That elder is no longer of this world .雨をしのぐ 屋根なんて もうありませんよ。 Later , the earth mound was roofed in to avoid rain and wind . やがて風雨をしのぐ 為に土壇の上に屋根が設けられた。