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"しのぐ"の例文"しのぐ" 意味"しのぐ" 中国語の意味


  • しのぐ
    to outdo
    to surpass
    to endure
    to keep out (rain)
    to stave off
    to tide over
    to pull through
    to defy
    to slight
    to excel
    to eclipse
  •      ぐ 愚 foolish silly stupid 具 tool means ingredients counter for armor, suits,
  • しのぐ 1    get the better of しのぐ 2 【他動】 1. ace 2. better 3. cap 4. countermine 5. eclipse 6. exceed 7. excel 8. out-Herod〔残酷さ、残忍さ、暴虐さなどの点で〕 9. outact 10. outdo 11. outpace 12. outperform 13. outrace 14. out
  • しのぐ〔人を〕     【他動】 best
  • すしのぐ    すしのぐ 寿司の具 ingredients for sushi
  • 力をしのぐ    exceed someone's strength〔人の〕
  • 雨をしのぐ    keep out the rain
  • 不況をしのぐ    get through a recession
  • 予想をしのぐ    exceed someone's expectation〔人の〕
  • 供給をしのぐ    exceed supply
  • 壮者をしのぐ    1. be as strong as a young man 2. be so vigorous that puts young men to shame
  • 大きくしのぐ    largely surpass〔~を〕
  • 大幅にしのぐ    largely surpass〔~を〕
  • 寒さをしのぐ    1. keep off the cold 2. keep out the cold
  • 急場をしのぐ     急場をしのぐ v. step into the breach ;fill [fix] the breach ;throw [fling] oneself into the breach 急場をしのぐ, 難局を乗り切る, (人を)危機から救う. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 急場)
  • 暑さをしのぐ    1. beat the heat 2. stand the heat


  • Just think of this as a way to avoid the rain .
  • Surpassed those of the heir of the oda clan , sir nobutada
    織田家を継がれる 信忠君をしのぐ
  • This mansion has had numerous stalker attacks .
    アタックポイント 2760の攻撃を 耐えしのぐなど...。
  • And with the money he earned he could stay this year .
  • Heike which was about the same as fujiwara experts .
    その栄華は 藤原摂関家をも しのぐほどだった平家。
  • Heike which was about the same as fujiwara experts .
    その栄華は 藤原摂関家をも しのぐほどだった平家。
  • That may have happened to tide over a crisis , but
    急場をしのぐために そんなことも あったかもしれませんが
  • That elder is no longer of this world .
    雨をしのぐ屋根なんて もうありませんよ。
  • Are much more than artistic structures .
  • So probably enough power to surpass that devil man .
    そう 恐らく あの魔人ブウを しのぐほどのパワーをな。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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