- This is too much. Half should be enough for him.〔親→子(レストランで)〕
- たく たく 卓 table desk high 焚く to burn to kindle to build a fire 宅 house home husband
- くさ くさ 草 grass
- さん さん Mr or Mrs 酸 acid 刪 cut down 賛 legend caption 三 three 讚 a style of Chinese
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- なあ 【間投】 1. old man [buddy] 2. say〔呼び掛けの言葉〕
- この この 此の this
- 半分 半分 はんぶん half はんぷん half minute
- いい いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
- のに のに in order to so that in spite of although
- 過ぎる 過ぎる すぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- たくさん たくさん 沢山 many a lot much
- そう。きっとこの子には難しすぎるのね。いいのよトミー。無理しないでいいの。 OK. Maybe this is too advanced for him. That's OK, Tommy. You don't have to try too hard.
- 「あなた、このベッド、あの子には小さ過ぎるわ」「そうだな。もうそのベッドに寝るには大き過ぎるな」 "Honey, this bed is too little for him." "Yeah. He grew out of it."〔子どものいる夫婦の会話(妻→夫)〕
- いいや、この子にこれ以上、アイスは必要ない!この子に必要なのはしつけだよ!トミー、もうアイスはたくさん食べたんだ。歯を磨いて寝なさい! No, he doesn't need any more ice cream. What he needs is discipline. Tommy, you had enough ice cream already. Now brush your teeth and go to bed.
- ううん。宿題のことは考えたくもないよ。たくさん過ぎるんだもん。 No. I don't even want to think about it. It's just too much.