- Whenever there are any problems he always takes the soft option.
- なに なに 何 what
- にか にか 二価 divalent
- 問題 問題 もんだい problem question
- にぶ にぶ 二部 two parts two copies the second part
- ぶつ ぶつ 仏 buddha Buddhism 勿 must not do not be not 打つ to hit to strike
- つか つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
- かる かる 狩る to hunt 駆る to drive (car) to spur on to impel 刈る to cut (hair) to mow
- たび たび 足袋 tabi Japanese socks (with split toe) 度 times (three times, etc.) degree
- 常に 常に つねに always constantly
- 楽な 【形】 1. cozy 2. cushiony 3. effortless 4. kickback〈俗〉 5. soft 6. unexacting
- ほう ほう 方 side 倣 imitate follow emulate 俸 salary 報 information punishment
- 選ぶ 選ぶ えらぶ to choose to select
- ぶ ぶ 分 rate part percentage one percent thickness odds chance of winning
- なにか なにか 何か something
- つかる つかる 漬かる to be pickled to be soaked
- かるた かるた 加留多 歌留多 骨牌 playing cards (pt: carta)
- たびに たびに each time every time whenever (something happens)
- ぶつかる ぶつかる to strike to collide with
- 問題にぶつかる 1. get hit with a problem 2. run into a problem