We see almost no change in sexual behavior . 性行動での変化がほとんど見られないのです
Note the lack of defensive wounds on his forearms and hands . 防御創がほとんど見られない
I can hardly see it in the 1960s 1960年代にはまだほとんど見られないんだ
The rhetorical device with the japanese kakekotoba is rarely found in english . 日本語における掛詞と同じ手法を用いた修辞は、英語においてはほとんど見られない。
The tohoku region was hardly involved in turbulences in the kanto region and no trace of influences from political strife in the central part of japan can be observed . 東北地方は関東の騒乱にほとんど巻き込まれることなく、当然中央の政争の影響もほとんど見られない。
The mokoku is a calligraphy preservation and enjoyment method unique to china , and is rarely seen in japan and other countries having the same calligraphy culture as china . 中国独自の書蹟保存・享受法であり、同じ書道文化を持つ日本などではほとんど見られない。
While it is a regular item on menus at soba noodle restaurants and udon noodle restaurants , it is rarely served at stand-up stalls because cooking it takes time and effort . 蕎麦屋やうどん屋でも定番のメニューであるが、調理に時間や手間がかかるため、立ち食い形式の店ではほとんど見られない。
This type of kamoboko is made by rolling the fish-meat paste in the form of a sheet like a ' dasimaki-tamago ' (soup-flavored rolled egg ), but the one with a wooden board is very rare . 板状にしたすり身をだし巻き卵のように巻いて作った物が主流であり、板付きのものはほとんど見られない。
Although various bosatsu appear in the buddhist scriptures and many bosatsu are painted in the mandalas , many of them were seldom constructed or made an object of worship as an individual statue . なお、仏教経典には上記以外にもさまざまな菩薩が登場し、密教の曼荼羅にも多数の菩薩が登場するが、これらの中には、単独での造像や信仰がほとんど見られないものも多数存在する。
Many of the domain lords from the lineage were appointed important posts such as oban gashira (captain of the great guards ), sojaban (official in charge of the ceremonies ) or wakadoshiyori , although the domain itself was too minor for the lords to be remembered for any notable record of lordship under their rule . 歴代藩主の多くが大番頭や奏者番、そして若年寄などの要職を務めているが、藩政における治績はほとんど見られない小藩だった。