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  • Don't run for mayor if you've got a secret that, if your opponent finds it out, he will have you by the balls, figuratively speaking.
  • もし     もし 若し if in case supposing 模試 sham examination
  • たら     たら 鱈 codfish cod (Gadus morhua) 多羅 Tara The Deliverer, the Saviouress
  • 金玉     金玉 きんぎょく gold and jewels precious object きんたま testicles
  • つか     つか 束 handbreadth bundle 塚 mound 柄 hilt (of a sword) haft (of a dagger)
  • かま     かま 釜 iron pot kettle 窯 stove furnace kiln 鎌 sickle part of a fish around the
  • まれ     まれ 希 稀 rare seldom
  • てい     てい 体 appearance air condition state form 剃 shave 偵 spy 停 stopping 弟 younger
  • いる     いる 鋳る 鑄る to cast to mint to coin 要る to need 煎る 炒る 熬る to parch to fry to fire
  • よう     よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
  • つま     つま 妻 wife garnish of sashimi, usually made of daikon
  • まり     まり 鞠 ball
  • さえ     さえ even
  • えら     えら 鰓 gills branchia
  • 秘密     秘密 ひみつ secret secrecy
  • ある     ある 或 或る a certain... some... 在る to live to be 有る to be to have
  • 市長     市長 しちょう mayor
  • しな     しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • がい     がい 剴 scythe suitability 我意 self-will obstinacy 凱 victory song 画意 meaning of a
  • いい     いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
  • つまり     つまり 詰まり 詰り in short in brief in other words that is to say in the long run
  • 根っこ     根っこ ねっこ root stub stump
  • 押さえ     押さえ おさえ weight (e.g. paperweight) rear guard control a check pressure
  • がある     【他動】 have ~がある 1. be home to 2. there is 3. you've got
  • しない     しない 竹刀 (bamboo) fencing stick 市内 (within a) city
  • がいい     がいい 害意 malice 外衣 outer garment 外囲 periphery surroundings
  • 首根っこ     首根っこ くびねっこ the scruff or nape of the neck
  • だったら     だったら if it's the case
  • 押さえられる     get nailed
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