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  • Of course! It's kind of messy. Hope you don't mind.
  • もち     もち 餅 sticky rice cake 黐 birdlime 勿 must not do not be not 持ち hold charge keep
  • ろん     ろん 論 argument discussion dispute controversy discourse debate theory doctrine
  • ちょ     ちょ 著 work 儲 be profitable
  • とち     とち 土地 plot of land lot soil
  • てる     てる 照る to shine
  • けど     けど but however
  • それ     それ 其れ it that
  • でも     でも but however
  • いい     いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
  • いか     いか 医家 doctor 医科 medical science medical department 以下 less than up to below
  • かな     かな I wonder 仮名 仮字 假名 Japanese syllabary (alphabets) kana 哉 how! what! alas!
  • なあ     【間投】 1. old man [buddy] 2. say〔呼び掛けの言葉〕
  • かって     かって 曾て once before formerly ever former ex- never (with negative verb) 勝手
  • それで     それで 其れで and thereupon because of that
  • もちろん     もちろん 勿論 of course certainly naturally
  • ちょっと     ちょっと 一寸 鳥渡 just a minute a short time a while just a little somewhat easily
  • それでも     それでも 其れでも but (still) and yet nevertheless even so notwithstanding
  • もちろん!     Of course I will! もちろん 1 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3.
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