- He at last awoke to the stern facts of life.
- よう よう 夭 early death calamity 酔う to get drunk to become intoxicated 傭 employ hire
- やく やく 妬く to be jealous of to be envious of 厄 misfortune bad luck evil disaster 焼く
- 人生 人生 じんせい (human) life (i.e. conception to death)
- 生の 生の green[化学]
- しい しい 私意 personal opinion selfishness 示威 demonstration show of force 恣意
- 現実 現実 げんじつ reality
- 実に 実に じつに indeed truly surely
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- 厳しい 厳しい きびしい いかめしい severe strict stern austere grave solemn majestic intense
- 目覚め 目覚め めざめ waking
- ようやく ようやく 要約 要訳 summary digest 漸く gradually finally hardly 踊躍 leaping with joy
- 人生の厳しい現実 harsh realities of life
- 厳しい現実に目をつぶる play ostrich
- 現実に目覚める 1. awake to realities 2. have one's eyes opened to the stern realities of life 3. open one's eyes to reality 4. wake to reality 5. wake up to the stern realities
- 人生の共通する厳しい現実 hard facts of life shared by all human beings