併用する 1 use at the same time 併用する 2 【形】 combined 併用する 3 use ~ together〔~を〕
Joined with quantum mechanics , this mathematics 量子力学を併用すると
Yeah . it's when you use a laparoscope and endoscope together . はい。 腹腔鏡と内視鏡を併用する事で
Tableware of many types , such as lacquer-ware , earthenware , and porcelain , are used . 食器は、漆器、陶器、 磁器など、多くの種類を併用する。
By moving the fingers in a manner such as to smoothly transition between closed , half-open , and open states in combination with a meri/kari action , a smooth portamento can be produced . 手孔を、閉 - 半開 - 開 動作を滑らかに行い、さらに、メリ、カリを併用することにより、滑らかなポルタメントが可能である。
On the railways at that time , a locomotive pulled passenger train-cars typically , and it was planned for the ' bullet trains ' as well that a method of combining an electric locomotive and a steam locomotive should be used . 当時の鉄道はまだ機関車が客車を牽く方式が一般的で、「弾丸列車」も電気機関車と蒸気機関車を併用する方式で計画された。
It generally decorates costumes sufficiently on its own , but sometimes it is combined with a tie-dyeing technique using a pattern of tiny rings , embroidery , and kinsai (gold dyeing ) for especially gorgeous costumes such as furisode (a long sleeved type of kimono ). 普通は単独で十分に衣装を装飾するが振袖などの特に晴れがましい衣装の場合は鹿の子絞りや刺繍、金彩などを併用することもある。
The jogan-shiki code was compiled from the existing " konin-shiki code " (the supplemental law determined in the konin era ), unifying corrected and supplemented rules and detailed regulations , and both codes were used together without abolishing the " konin-shiki code " . 既存の『弘仁式』を増訂・追補した諸規定・細則を集めて編纂し、『弘仁式』を廃止することなく、両方を併用する方式を採った。
At any rate , if ' -so (tiered )-kai (story ), ' ' -ju (tiered )-kai (story ), ' ' -ju (tiered )-so (tiered )' and so on are used in the same document , the text itself would become difficult to understand , so such a parallel use as above is , in many cases , avoided in books and so on dealing with the japanese castles . いずれにしても一つの文書等に、「-層-階」・「-重-階」・「-重-層」等を併用すると文自体がわかりにくくなることがあるので、日本の城郭を取り扱った書籍などでは併用を避けることが多い。