- letter comes to someone saying that〔that以下〕
- 伝え 伝え つたえ legend tradition
- える える 得る 獲る to get to gain to win
- 手紙 手紙 てがみ letter
- 届く 届く とどく to reach
- く く 九 nine 区 ward district section 句 phrase clause sentence passage paragraph
- 伝える 伝える つたえる to convey to report to transmit to communicate to tell to impart to
- (人)に throw oneself at someone's feet / throw oneself at the feet of
- ~するという(人)の決意を伝える手紙 letter conveying someone's decision to
- 手紙が(人)に届き次第 as soon as the letter reaches
- 手紙が届く get a letter from〔~から〕
- (人)の感謝を伝える convey someone's gratitude to〔人に〕
- (人)の礼を伝える convey someone's gratitude to〔人に〕
- (人)の要望を伝える tell someone what someone wants〔人に〕
- 書留の手紙が届く receive the registered letter
- 極秘に(人)に情報を伝える relay the information privately to