自慢する 自慢する v. (動) 〔誇る, うぬぼれる, ひけらかす〕 *boast |自| 【S】 [SV of [about] O] [通例けなして] O(人?物?事)を自慢する, 鼻にかける《◆(1) be proud of より「鼻にかける」の意が強い. (2) brag より堅い語. (3) 受身可能》∥ He boasted to [ 《英》with] his classmates
自慢する 1 1. advance oneself 2. be proud 3. crack one's jaw 4. crack oneself up 5. crow one's head off 6. crow over 7. give oneself a pat on the back / pat oneself on the back〔例えば右手で左肩の辺りをたたく。「我ながらよくやった」という気持
Being disqualified is nothing to be proud of . 失格の事を自慢するなんてどういう事だ?
I'm just doing it for the bragging rights . 権利を自慢する為に支援してる
Boasting about your impressive number of conquests in april . 四月に華麗なる女性遍歴を自慢するも...
Well , they must be real proud of their masked delinquent . 彼らは覆面をした 非行少女を自慢するに違いないな
About what they can do . できることを自慢するのです
But , like a slutty sorority girl returning from spring break , they were also bringing home a hidden evil . しかし、寝てない事を自慢する奴のように... 家に邪悪な物をもたらすのでした
He seemed to feel doubt about the sencha boom of those days , in which collection of products of chinese culture was showed off . 中国文物コレクションを自慢する当時の煎茶ブームには常々疑問を持っていたようである。
While a principal , he was asked to " tell stories of his experiences as a decorated general of the russo-japanese war " and to " show off his uniform " ; however , he refused all requests and never bragged about his accomplishments . 校長就任時に生徒や親から「日露戦争の事を話して欲しい」「陸軍大将の軍服を見せて欲しい」と頼まれても一切断り、自分の武勲を自慢する事は無かった。
As emperor yuryaku heard kibi no kamitsumichi no omi tasa boast the beauty of his wife wakahime , he dispatched tasa to mimana (in the korean peninsula ) as kokushi (the provincial governor ), and seized the occasion to kidnap tasa ' s wife and took her as his own wife . 雄略天皇は吉備上道臣田狭が自分の妻・稚媛の美しさを自慢するのを聞いて、田狭を任那の国司として派遣した後で、稚媛を奪って妃とした。
There was even a school , like musashi high school (under the old system ), which banned sports and didn ' t hesitate to have a large number of dropouts and dismissed students , but boasted its rate of successful applicants for tokyo imperial university exceeded that of ichiko (the first higher school ). 武蔵高等学校 (旧制)のようにスポーツをきんじ、落第者・退校者を多数だすこともじせず、東京帝大への入学率で一高をぬいたことを自慢する学校すらあった。