- Tommy, where did you go today?
- 今日 今日 きょう こんにち today this day
- どこ どこ 何処 where what place
- ? question mark
- 今日は 今日は こんにちは hello good day (daytime greeting, id)
- 一体どこ行ってたの?! Where have you been?!
- 「どこ行ってたの?」「コーヒーブレークだよ」 "Where have you been?" "Coffee break."
- 泥だらけじゃない!どこ行ってたの? You are covered with mud! Where have you been?〔親→子〕
- トミー、どこ行くの? Tommy, where are you going?
- どこに行ったのかしらねえ? きっと1人じゃなかったと思うわよ。息子さんにどこ行ってたか聞いた? I wonder where he went. I bet he was not alone. Why don't you ask him where he went?
- うーん。昨日、帽子かぶってたよね。昨日、どこ行ったっけ…? Well, I saw you wearing a hat yesterday. Where did we go yesterday?
- どこに行ってたの?探したのよ。 Where have you been? I've been looking for you.
- トミーは今日、何したの? What did Tommy do today?
- どこに行ってたの?/そんなことも知らなかったの? Where have you been?
- トミー、左手はどこに置きなさいって言った? Tommy, where did I tell you to put your left hand?
- お父さん、どこ行っちゃったの? Where did he go?