- 1. all the documents relating to a case
2. all the papers relating to a case
3. documents relating to the affair
4. series of documents
- 一件 一件 いっけん a matter an item
- 書類 書類 しょるい documents official papers
- 類 類 たぐい a kind るい kind sort class family genus
- 一件 一件 いっけん a matter an item
- 一件一件 case by case
- 一般条件書 general conditions and terms of the contract
- 取引条件書 schedule of terms and conditions
- 機能条件書 functional requirement
- 特別条件書 special conditions of the contract
- 書類 書類 しょるい documents official papers
- もう一件 on another note
- 一件の細部 details of the story
- 一件の詳細 details of the story
- 一件落着 disposition of the case 一件落着。 The case is closed.
- 一件落着。 The case is closed. 一件落着 disposition of the case
- That's a dramatic choice for such a thin dossier .
それは一件書類の 劇的な選ばれた人です