- He set the whole room in a roar.
- 一座 一座 いちざ the party those present a troupe the first seat
- わせ わせ 早生 早稲 early ripening rice
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- どっと どっと suddenly
- 一座の者をドッと笑わせる set the whole room laughing
- ちょっと笑わせる make someone kind of laugh〔人を〕
- どっと笑う どっと笑う v. burst into laughter (見出しへ戻る headword ? どっと)
- くすりと笑わせる give someone a chuckle〔人を〕
- ドッと笑わせる 1. set off 2. set the company in a roar 3. set the table in a roar 4. throw ~ into fits of laughter
- 観客をドッと笑わせる set the audience roaring with laughter
- 一座の一員 member of a troupe
- 一座の花 1. rose of the party 2. the life of the party
- 一座の花形 star member of a troupe
- 一座の笑い物 butt of the company
- 一座の中心人物 1. life and soul of the party 2. soul of the party