- He was straining under the load.
- 一生 一生 いっしょう いっせい whole life a lifetime all through life one existence a
- 懸命 懸命 けんめい eagerness earnestness risking one's life
- 荷物 荷物 にもつ luggage
- かつ かつ 勝つ to win to gain victory 且つ yet and 割 divide cut halve separate split rip
- つい つい just (now) quite (near) unintentionally unconsciously by mistake against
- いた いた 板 board plank
- た た 田 rice field 他 other (esp. people and abstract matters) 多 multi- 佗 be proud
- ついで ついで 序 序で opportunity occasion 次いで next secondly subsequently
- 一生懸命 一生懸命 いっしょうけんめい very hard with utmost effort with all one's might
- 一生懸命に 1 1. all one knows 2. at full speed 3. by (all one's) might and main 4. with all one's might (and main) 5. with heart and soul 一生懸命に 2 【副】 flat-out
- 一生懸命にする 1 knuckle down 一生懸命にする 2 put elbow grease into〔~を〕
- 一生懸命になる put one's heart (and soul) into〔~に〕
- 一生懸命にやる 1. do one's utmost 2. knuckle down 3. try as hard as one can
- 一生懸命に働く 1. keep [have, put, hold] one's nose to the grindstone〔グラインドストーンとは砥石のことで、それで粉を挽いたり刃物を研ぐ作業は、まるで鼻を砥石にくっつけるかのようであるところから〕 2. work as hard as one can 3. work hard
- 一生懸命に始める knuckle down