And so you can go in and have a billion different viruses 一種類のタンパク質を作る
Just to one kind of cell in this dense network . 一種類の細胞にだけ ウィルスを用いて遺伝子を導入できます
So , this one mushroom , in particular , has drawn our interest over time . 特に一種類のキノコが 私達の興味を惹くようになりました
Like molding and casting 型を取り一種類の材料で
Only cards of one type are available , but no discount fare is applied to connected use of different transportation means . 券種は一種類のみで、乗継割引は適用されない。
Basically , kezuriko consists of several kinds of dried fish powder , but occasionally , it comes from a single dried fish . 基本的には数種の節類の粉末を混ぜたものであるが、中には一種類の節で作られたものもある。
One kind word ... one full hug ... where you pressed me to your chest and held me tight ... would have been like the sun on my heart for 1 ,000 years . 一種類の言葉... 1フル抱擁... どこにあなたの胸に私を押され、私はタイト開催...
In a such case as the yeast chosen has overly unique characteristics , however , it is often blended with another type of yeast to dilute it . その酵母があまりにも強い特性を持つ場合などには、それを緩和するためにもう一種類の酵母をブレンドして入れることも多い。
Although several fragments of an old manuscript exist that are believed to date from the late kamakura period , the text is strikingly different from the imperial household archive version . なお鎌倉時代後期にさかのぼるとみられる古写本一種類の断簡が数点知られるが、本文は書陵部本と差異が大きい。