In japan , buddha ' s sarira is often used as a synonym of sarira , and the term sarira is used to distinguish the remains of others from those of the saints or buddha . また、仏舎利と舎利は日本に於いてしばしば同義語で、「舎利」と言うことで聖者や釈迦のそれを他と区別する。
Many temples throughout japan have an eleven-faced kannon as their principal object of worship use the name ' hase-dera temple ' , including hase-dera temple in kamakura , and therefore , in order to distinguish the nara temple from others , it is sometimes called ' hase-dera temple of yamato province ' or ' sohonzan hase-dera temple ' amongst others . 十一面観音を本尊とし「長谷寺」を名乗る寺院は鎌倉の長谷寺をはじめ日本各地に多く、他と区別するため「大和国長谷寺」「総本山長谷寺」等と呼称することもある。