- You're going back without talking to her?
- ちゃ ちゃ 茶 tea
- ? question mark
- 真っすぐ帰っちゃうの? Are you going straight home?
- また?!また行っちゃうの? Again? Are you going again?
- もちろん!何時に閉まっちゃうの? Of course! When does it close?
- どうしていつも私を置いてお店に行っちゃうの? Why do you always go to the store without me?
- 人前で歌うのは慣れてないから、あがっちゃうよ I'm not used to singing in front of people, so I'd be too nervous going there.
- 嫌になっちゃうよ。 Oh, darn.
- 笑っちゃうでしょ。 It's ludicrous.
- あなたと子どもたちのせいで、しかめっ面になっちゃうのよ! You and the kids make me frown!
- なんで、クラシック聞くとき、目つぶっちゃうの?音に酔ってるつもり? Why do they close their eyes when they listen to classical music? Are they pretending that they're intoxicated by the music?
- もう嫌いになっちゃうぞ。 I'll not like you anymore.
- バスが行っちゃうよ。 The bus is going to leave.
- 私、失恋しちゃうのかな。 I get my little heart broken?
- 何も買わずに帰宅する go home without buying anything