Reikin mostly played bass part , but almost ceased to be played after the war . 主に低音部を受け持ったが、戦後はほとんど使用されなくなった。
In order to be used in an ensemble , its number of strings was increased so that the bass register sounds good . 合奏で用いられるように特に低音部が良く鳴るように拡張されている。
Bridges of koto are generally large and the largest one (for the tenor notes ) is around 8 .5cm-high and the smallest one is the same as those of jushichigen so . 箏柱は、全体的に大きく、最大例(低音部用)は総高8.5cm前後、最小例(高音部)は十七絃の箏柱に同じである。
The thickness of the strings are changed in about threes of strings and 17 strings in the tenor note part are made of silk and 13 strings in the treble note part are made of tetrone . 絃の太さは、3本単位ぐらいで変えられており、低音部17本は絹、高音部13本はテトロン製である。