In the kamakura period , individual gokenin directly paid homage to the shogun (although there were exceptions such as being hired by a strong gokenin ), and shugos were mere supervisors of gokenin within their lands . 鎌倉時代においては(有力御家人の被官のような例外はあるが)個々の御家人が直接将軍と主従関係を結んでおり、守護は国内の御家人の監督者に過ぎなかった。
Although there are some exceptions , the area code for the mimaki elementary school district is 075-63x (under the control of ntt yodo building ), and that for the sayama and tozumi elementary school districts is 0774-4x (under the control of ntt shinden bekkan annex ). 若干の例外はあるが、御牧小学校区が075-63x(NTT淀ビル収容)、佐山・東角小学校区は0774-4x(NTT新田別館収容)の区域になる。