You had her tricks , but i had her trust . お前は母の術を受け 俺は信頼を受けた
Konan naito is said to have been respected by the villagers , despite that , by giving shin-kyoiku (new education ) to their children . しかし、内藤湖南は新教育を施こして村民の信頼を受けたと言われている。
The 10th century saw the appearance of tadayuki kamo and yasunori kamo , a father and a son who mastered all ommydo , tenmondo , and rekido , and abe no seimei , one of their disciples and a superb ommyodo diviner , who was fully trusted by the imperial court . 10世紀には陰陽道・天文道・暦道いずれも究めた賀茂忠行・賀茂保憲父子が現れ、その弟子から陰陽道の占術に卓越した才能を示し、宮廷社会から非常に信頼を受けた安倍晴明が出た。
Furthermore , the kusuko incident , a failed rebellion by fujiwara no nakanari and his sister kusuko who was a daughter of tanetsugu and held power as naishi no tsukasa (a female palace attendant ) for emperor heizei , as well as the rise of fujiwara no fuyutsugu from fujiwara hokke who won trust of emperor saga and tachibana no kachiko , also led to the decline of shikike . また、嵯峨朝になると、種継の子で平城天皇の内侍司として権勢を握った藤原薬子とその兄藤原仲成が反乱を企てて断罪された薬子の変の発生に加え、嵯峨天皇・橘嘉智子の信頼を受けた北家の冬嗣の台頭も背景にある。
He was a great ommyoji who was trusted by aristocrats during the heian period , and he was also an expert who had a remarkable knowledge of the art of ommyodo (the way of yin and yang ), such as divination and ' ancient astrology ,' which was the most advanced form of magic and science at the time , and many legendary anecdotes have been created based on mystified stories about him . 当時最先端の呪術・科学であった「天文道」や占いなどの陰陽道の技術に関して卓越した知識を持ったエキスパートであり、平安貴族たちの信頼を受けた大陰陽師で、その事跡は神秘化されて数多くの伝説的逸話を生んでいった。